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Quality assurance begins at the farm. We work closely with our farmers, collecting and sharing information, key insights and feedback from our clients. With regular information updates and consultation with producers we encourage the supply of top-quality livestock. This includes detailed post-slaughter data captured in the new LDL programme which is provided to producers as a measure on how each lot has performed.
In turn, our plant is able to deliver new and innovative premium cuts and making a greater improvement to the eating quality of our chilled lamb products. BRM has an integrated quality assurance program, incorporating all the elements of MSQA (Meat Safety Quality Assurance) and employing a comprehensive HACCP programme as part of our Approved Arrangement. This includes regular inspection, testing and auditing by independent sources such as the Department of Agriculture: micro-testing of products and production environments: conformance to prescribed animal welfare instructions and strict adherence to customer and product specifications as well as ensuring compliance with Australian Standards and Government legislation.